Those who spend in Charity will be Richly Rewarded – Al Quran 57:10
Project Shabolombi
The project “Shabolombi- Self-reliant” focused on the empowerment of men and women and their families whose family income is below $7,000 per month. For the project, IGF will collect Zakat’s money from interested individuals and through sponsorships as well. In Bangladesh, using Zakat’s money, people tend to purchase clothing and distribute those to the poor. This results in momentary happiness in the destitute family, but doesn’t bring much improvement in their lifestyles. To make appropriate use of Zakat money, we initiated to creation of a Sustainable Livelihood project titled ‘SHABOLOMBI (Self-dependent)’. All the beneficiaries will be under the organization’s supervision for around 5 years. This approach assures the proper use of zakat money and resources in a sustainable way to make an impact on our beneficiaries and relieve them of the evil clutches of poverty. It’s a creative initiative that will help to positively contribute to achieving SDG 01.

Project objectives
- To improve the livelihood pattern of underprivileged individuals and families through the better use of Zakat’s money.
- Reducing the poverty rate in Bangladesh by the next 2027 addressing positively contribute to achieving SDG-01.
Through the project, IGF will create an income opportunity for the targeted beneficiaries. Initially, the project supported 155 families across the country. The project will provide handicraft training, rickshaws, cows and goats, a grocery shop, and other stable assets that could create an income source and employment for them. The Ignite Global Foundation team will monitor the beneficiaries for about 5 years for their development, opportunity, and threats to ensure them decent work and are economically stable.
Give a Little. Change a Lot.
Make a difference by contributing your zakat.
Donate to Education or empower a life.

Selection Process

Identify Candidates

Assign Donor and Project

Train and Disburse Fund

Success Story

Fuchka Selling Business 30,600 BDT
Seasonal Fruits Business 34,600 BDT
Land Cultivating 1,29,375 BDT
Rickshaw Garage 79,763 BDT
Tea Stall 39,375 BDT
Van 31,500 BDT
Vegetable Business
Pond Fishing 184,500 BDT
Grocery Shop 61,875 BDT
Auto Rickshaw 108,000 BDT
Battery Operated
Easy Bike 196,875 BDT
Battery Operated
Project Budget
Sewing Machine 11,250 BDT
Automated Butterfly Sewing Machine
Rickshaw 31,187 BDT
One new wooden body rickshaw
Price of a cow 84,375 BDT
With calf
Price of a cow 61,875 BDT
without calf
Price of the 2 goat 29,025 BDT
Velpuri + Jhal Muri Business 29,025 BDT
Fishing Boat 84,375 BDT
Wooden Troller 2,25,000 BDT
Troller (Iron) 416,250 BDT
Power Tiller 2,66,625 BDT
Fish selling (Business) 33,750 BDT
Chicken Farm 61,537 BDT
Tom Tom 101,250 BDT